films directed and shot by laura bartczak
viscera. featuring laurel atwell. assistant editor mark demolar. super 8mm.
kym and laurel. featuring kym chambers and laurel atwell. super 8mm.
solo duet. featuring melanie maar. super 8mm double projection. 2018. silent.
kitchen dance. featuring paige fredlund. assistant editor mark demolar. super 8mm. 2016
stacey//songwriter//directed by stacey and vanessa pla/ shot on super 8mm by vanessa pla and laura bartczak
hilary (duet). featuring hilary ives. super 8mm. 2018
erin (accumulation) featuring erin sheehy. super 8mm. 2019
Jane. featuring kym chambers, paige hunter, corinne cappelletti, kay ottinger, aya sato, laurel atwell, gina chiapetta, and adi etyan. super 8mm. 2018
paola. featuring paola escobar. super 8mm. 2019
laurel II. featuring laurel atwell. super 8mm.
brighid. featuring brighid greene. super 8mm. 2019.
laurel III. featuring laurel atwell. super 8mm. 2014
untitled (cindy s) featuring paige fredlund. music by patsy cline. super 8mm. 2014
kym. featuring kym chambers. super 8mm. 2014
laurel. featuring laurel atwell. super 8mm. 2014.
monte alban. featuring paige fredlund. super 8mm. 2014
meshes. featuring paige fredlund. super 8mm. 2014
paw paw/// close horizons/// in collaboration with mark demolar/// super 8mm
black friday. Featuring Paige Fredlund and Kaia Gilje. 2013
bouquet. Featuring Paige Fredlund. 2012
decatur street. Featuring Paige Fredlund. 2012